Sunday, January 27, 2008

Frustrated And Baffled!

Exploding mad angry smileyAaaaaahhh....I'm so flummoxed!!!(frustrated) Exploding mad angry smiley

Ever had one of those days where you just can't figure out where you left that darn receipt that you need to take back to the shop for a refund??!!! I've been in panic the last few hours wracking my brainBanging head on brick wall smiley, trying to find the receipt for Alexa's Game Boy game that we had to return because although it says High School Musical on the sticker and box, the game itself is Pokemon. Since the HSM game was out of stock and we've been waiting for a month now, I decided to just ask for a refund.

It's one of those days where you want to kick your own behind...and to think I was just holding it a few days ago because I called up the shop to follow up on the refund prior to actually going there. I'm so bummed out! I think, my blood pressure has been up as I can feel pain at the back of my neck.

I did ask the help if they possibly threw it out. They're not if they would in a case like this.

I wonder if the shop will accept even without the receipt. I mean, I have been conversing with them for a few weeks now. Wonder if there is a law that says the receipt is not required. I mean, I know the exact date when we purchased the item so I guess they can check their copy right? Aaaaargh!!! I have a head ache...I just hope I'll be able to sleep tonight and by some magic, I'll be able to find it tomorrow.Hitting the glass dying smiley

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